The Epic Reaction of Dog Seeing His Military Mom’s Surprise Come Back


One of the most heartwarming and cute moment to witness is the dog reunite with his owner and it does not matter, if they were not together for one minute, one hour or ten months. Witnessing a heartwarming reunion will make you cry literally.

The golden retriever Jokie was  away from his owner mom for a year. His owner is a military servant, so she had to leave for service for some time.

The dog was missing her so much, that she could not help wait to reuniting with her, but the doggie should be a bit patient for this moment.

After waiting for so long period of time, for about one year, his owner finally made her way back home and gave him the sweet and long waited surprise.

Seeing his owner, Jokie jumped over her owner going back and forth of joy and happiness to welcome his owner.

It is really heartwarming and cute to see how the doggie welcomed his owner mommy.

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