The Lucky Kid Bathing both with Real and Toy Duck


We all know, that the duck toys are one of the most favorite toys for the kids to bath with. They enjoy the good company of the duck while they are having a bath, since they can play with them.

However, this lucky kid not only has a toy duck, the baby also has a real duck playing and watching him taking a bath.

As the family tell, when the baby was born and had her first bath, they gifter her with this beautiful toy duck.

After some time, when the baby grew a bit, they understood, that the baby is completely in love with duck and decided to bring a real duck to the bathroom.

There are no words and feelings to describe how excited and happy the kid was, when she saw the the two ducks in one place. One was in the bathtub and the other one right in front of her.

The parents of the child were especially excited by the joy and happiness of the kid.

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