The Policeman and His Longtime Partner Dog Die on the Same Day


Policemen in service usually have dogs besides them, who help them in difficult and dangerous situation and operations.

On Monday morning, an announcement was published, stating that the Sheriff Johnson, who was in service for the country for more than 40 years died before retiring. 

The news was sad and heartbreaking, since everyone respected and loved the sheriff. After a few hours, however, the dog of the sheriff was announced dead only.

It is reported that the doggie of the sheriff was so much connected to the sheriff, that it died because of heartbreak. The new was shocking and no one could believe it.

The dog had been seen wit the owner in so many operations, helping and guiding him to find the best solution to difficult situations.

Although, the news was smashing and sad, all the other policemen and people were happy, that it happened to them both on the same day.

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