This Couple Lives with Bear for More than Twenty Years


Nowadays, many families enjoy keeping domestic pets, mostly cats, dogs, parrots. However, the family of our story found a new and adventurous way of keeping a bear, who weight more than 100 kgs.

Meet the family of Aleksandrovs, who have been petting the bear for more than 20 years. Could you ever imagine that a wild bear could be nearly a family member?

The couple confesses, that at first it was very difficult to make the bear get familiar with all the rules, that they were living. They get the bear engage in all kinds of activities, like drinking tea together or eating together.

The couple also says, that they do not want to separate the bear from their activities, so he does not feel sad or neglected.

As for the taking care of the bear, it is very difficult and challenging. It usually takes a lot of time, energy and money as well. They feed good and quality food to the bear. Looks like the bear has a good quality life.

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